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    7.1 HD中字
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    Here's a modern-day film noir in which you're never sure what's real and what isn't real. There is a possibility you may get tired of guessing and give up on this film 3/4ths of the way through, as I almost did but it worth finishing. It also was better the second time around The problem is just too many flashbacks. If some of those scenes were not replayed so often, or a few of the many twists eliminated, it would have been a super movie. It still was fascinating in parts. It grabs you, and you can't stop watching to see what the real story is. Along the way, is a bunch of nice colors and some nice film noir-type in the beginning and then during the ending credits.



    • 7.5 HD 巴里布 安东尼·拉帕格利亚,Anthony,LaPaglia,....Roger,East,内森·菲利普斯,Nathan,Phillips,奥斯卡·伊撒克,Oscar,Isaac,....Jose,Ramos-Horta
    • 6.3 HD 末日逃生 杰拉德·巴特勒,莫蕾娜·巴卡琳,大卫·丹曼,霍普·戴维斯,罗杰·戴尔·弗洛伊德,安德鲁·巴切勒,梅琳·当吉,霍特·麦克卡兰尼,斯科特·格伦,Randal,Gonzalez,里克·帕斯夸隆,Nicola,Lambo,阿兰·皮特鲁塞泽维斯基,斯科特·波伊思雷斯,Claire,Bronson,Madison,Johnson,加里·维克斯,特雷西·邦纳,Brandon,Miller,海耶斯·梅居尔,库尔特·岳,克米特·罗里森,布兰登奎因,约书亚·米克尔,詹姆斯·罗根,兰达尔·阿切尔,凯特·琼斯,肯德里克·克罗斯,
    • 8.1 正片 纳什维尔 大卫·阿金,芭芭拉·巴斯里,尼德·巴蒂,凯伦·布莱克,罗尼·布莱克利,蒂莫西·布朗,基思·卡拉丹,杰拉丁·卓别林,罗伯特·多奎,谢莉·杜瓦尔,艾伦·加菲尔德,亨利·吉布森,斯科特·格伦,杰夫·高布伦,芭芭拉·哈里斯,莉莉·汤姆林
    • 6.2 HD中字 报童 马修·麦康纳,扎克·埃夫隆,妮可·基德曼,大卫·奥伊罗,约翰·库萨克,斯科特·格伦,耐德·巴拉米,玛西·格雷
    • 6.5 HD 小布什传 乔什·布洛林,伊丽莎白·班克斯,坦迪·牛顿,艾伦·伯斯汀,理查德·德莱福斯,杰弗里·怀特,詹姆斯·克伦威尔,斯科特·格伦,托比·琼斯,科林·汉克斯,章小蕙
    • 5.6 HD中字 美满姻缘 琼·艾伦,安东尼·拉帕格利亚,克里斯汀·康奈利,史蒂芬·朗,Theo,Stockman,Brady,Bryson,提莫斯·J·考克斯,Jason,Testa,Gregg,Micheals,Pun,Bandhu,Brian,Patrick,Murphy,罗·哈特崔姆,Kris,Lundberg,Stephen,Sapienza,Will,Rogers


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