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    • 明星
    7.0 BD
  • 詹妮弗

    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:达里奥·阿基多 
    • 分类:恐怖片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2005 
    • 更新:04.09
    • 简介:While parked in a remote spot lunching Chinese food with his partner, Detective Frank Spivey saves a disfigured woman called Jenifer from being sliced



    While parked in a remote spot lunching Chinese food with his partner, Detective Frank Spivey saves a disfigured woman called Jenifer from being sliced with a meat cleaver by a deranged homeless man. He feels sorry for Jenifer, and takes her from an insane asylum and brings her home. Frank becomes obsessed for Jenifer, feeling lust and attraction for her lascivious body. When he realizes that she is a human beast, he moves with her to an isolated old cabin in the woods, with tragic consequences.



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