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  • 东区故事(原声版)



    TGQCYY云播在线下载his coming of age Dance Film, in the spirit of Dirty Dancing, Karate Kid, and High School Musical – is about a young girl from Beverly Hills, Jennifer who is visiting her Father’s Panama City Beach Hotel during Summer Break, and falls in love with a Young Boy, Ken who works as a Dishwasher. Even though both are from different backgrounds, they share the same passion… DANCE and partner with each other to enter the 2nd Annual Florida State-Wide Dance Contest. While preparing for the contest, Jennifer and Ken must overcome scheming dance partners, a meddling father, and their own doubts for their love to prevail.



    • 高清 东区故事 盖瑞·丹尼尔斯,大卫·温特斯,康福特·费达克,Brandon,Bryant,Russell,Ferguson,Jordan,Clarke,Witney,Carson,Chehon,Wespi-Tschopp
    • 3.9 高清 弹无虚发 盖瑞·丹尼尔斯,凡妮莎·瓦斯克斯,Michael,Greco,Luis,Gatica,Geoffrey,Ross,Patricia,Peinado,Cruz,David,Fernandez,Jr,安东尼.J.里克尔特-艾普斯坦,Justin,Nesbitt,Fabian,Lopez
    • 1080p 东区故事(原声版) 盖瑞·丹尼尔斯,大卫·温特斯,康福特·费达克,Brandon,Bryant,Russell,Ferguson,Jordan,Clarke,Witney,Carson,Chehon,Wespi-Tschopp
    • 3.0 BD高清 浩劫惊魂 奇希·劳尔兹,盖瑞·丹尼尔斯,杰夫·法赫,丹妮拉·南恩
    • 1.0 BD高清 复仇战士 盖瑞·丹尼尔斯,布赖恩·詹尼斯,巴巴拉·克兰普顿


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