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  • 6号小姐:音乐把我拯救

    • 主演:Alice Herz Sommer 
    • 导演:柯文思 
    • 分类:纪录片
    • 地区:加拿大 
    • 年份:2013 
    • 更新:11.03
    • 简介:  The Lady In Number 6 is one of the most inspirational and uplifting stories of the year. 109 year old, Alice Herz Sommer, the world's oldest pia


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      The Lady In Number 6 is one of the most inspirational and uplifting stories of the year. 109 year old, Alice Herz Sommer, the world's oldest pianist and Holocaust survivor shares her story on how to achieve a long and happy life. She discussed the importance of music, laughter and how to have an optimistic outlook on life.


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